
Tuesday, 30 October 2018

My Prayer-By Ben

Learning Intention:We are learning how prayer is ment.
Success Criteria:I know I am successful when I can create a simple prayer to God.

Dear God,please look after my family and friends and when i'm sad you make me happy please make me humble and I will not swear please make sure my family is safe all the even when they are asleep and when anywhere please can you be with them all the time and please help others and help the sick, poor and hurtful people and help everyone to be kind to one another even in games and sports and when they are playing on the playground or in there house and please don't make me do anything hurtful when I am angry or frustrated at anyone please make me care for others  even people who are younger them me I love you God and my family so so much please take care of my mum, dad, brother, sister, my aunt's, uncle's and my cousin's AMEN.

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